What Can New Health Visions Do For Me?

About Kristin Volk Funk

Kristin Volk Funk, M.Ed., CCH, has worked as a coach and educator since 1985. She holds a Bachelors degree in psychology, a Masters degree in counseling and is certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy.

Kristin offers individual and group coaching and hypnosis sessions and consults in areas of personal growth, stress reduction, pain management, motivation and goal attainment at business, medical and educational settings. She is a frequent speaker at wellness events and has conducted seminars nationwide teaching relaxation and guided imagery.

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Kristin, Your work really works! I am now sleeping without any medication and I have you to thank!


Since my weight loss program with Kristin began last week, I’m drinking tons of water, keeping a food journal and listening to her CD. I have also worked out twice at the gym. I am calm, committed and happy.


I have suffered with insomnia for about 11 years. I would put in a full day at work, running an office, responsible for a staff of 42 people, supporting the president and CEO of a corporation in Washington DC. By the time I got home, my body was exhausted, but my mind would continue to race. At night, I would worry so intensely about sleeping that I would fear it. Bedtime was scary for me. I read so many books about insomnia and spent thousands of dollars on new beds promising me a good nights’sleep but nothing worked. I was at the end of my rope. I used and abused sleeping aids, over the counter drugs, prescription drugs and I still did not sleep. On a typical night, I would take 5 Excedrin Pms and 1 or 2 Ambiens. If that didn’t work, I’d take a Xanax and/or Benadryl. This frightening ritual was just about every night of the week. Any sleep I did get with these drugs left me feeling groggy and tired. Recently, my best friend sent me Kristin Volk Funk’s tape, with a handwritten note that said, ‘Here is the hypnosis tape, for Gods sake DON’T LISTEN TO IT WHILE DRIVING- IT’S HYPNOSIS!’ I smiled and smirked at the same time. “AS IF, I thought to myself, like this is going to work on me!! With my high tolerance I thought this would be just one more thing to prove that I am a non-sleeping freak of nature. Another failure. Nonetheless, I promised myself that I would listen to it that night. I listened and really, REALLY liked it! I felt a warm calming feeling slowly come over me. I LOVE THIS WOMAN’S VOICE!! I felt ‘light’, like the weight of the world had been taken off my shoulders. The next thing I remember it was morning and I felt GREAT! I had slept the entire night through, without ANY drugs or medications and I felt WONDERFUL! To be perfectly honest, I was a non-believer and thought myself to be non-hypnotizable, but I have listened to this tape every night since then and have peacefully drifted off into a tranquil, deep, MUCH NEEDED sleep. Thank you, Kristin!