Coaching and Hypnosis

Are worry and anxiety robbing you of happiness, peace and well being?

If so, you are not alone. Daily life stressors, including instant access to world events and issues, are causing a steep increase in anxiety and emotional overwhelm. Ongoing fear and stress can deplete us of necessary sleep, energy and joy.

It can sometimes seem as though life is spinning out of control.

How would you feel if I told you that you can turn this around and begin navigating the world and your life with calm, peace and confidence? 

I would love to help you.

My unique combination of coaching and hypnosis can teach you how to:

  • Stop negative thinking patterns and adopt a calmer, “go with the flow” mindset.
  • Reduce fear and enjoy more confidence, energy and inner security.
  • Stop “awfulizing” and “catastrophizing” about life and calmly accept those things which are out of your control.
  • Deal with perfectionistic tendencies and overthinking that lead to anxiety.
  • Experience the  profoundly relaxing state called hypnosis.

In your customized, personal session, I will compassionately listen to your concerns and worries and help you see life in a more hopeful manner. You will learn how to take control of your thoughts, feelings and actions and start enjoying life again. The hypnosis part of your session will bring you to a deep state of mental and physical relaxation that you will carry with you throughout the day.


Please feel free to schedule a free phone consultation to address your questions or to reserve your individual session. 

If a session isn’t right for you at this time, you might enjoy my Letting Go of Worry and Anxiety Hypnosis recording. Put on headsets, close your eyes and melt your cares away in the comfort of your home or office.

