Kristin, It’s my one year anniversary smoke free – thank you so much! I LOVE being a non-smoker!
Kristin, It’s my one year anniversary smoke free – thank you so much! I LOVE being a non-smoker!
Hi Kristin, Just wanted to give you a quick update, I haven’t smoked since our last appointment, so I’m cigarette free for 3 weeks today and I haven’t drank in 2 weeks, not even on the weekends. With all of these little changes I have lost 5 pounds without actively trying to lose any weight. Good stuff!! Thanks for your help!!
Thanks to you, Kristin, I am losing weight so easily. My Healthy Body Voice is loud and strong now and my Fast Food/Junk Food Voice is so weak – like a distant echo, a distant memory. I simply don’t connect with junk food anymore.
My husband quit his nicotine habit 7 years ago with your hypnosis technique. He hasn’t touched the chewing tobacco or cigarettes since! Just wanted to let you know and to thank you!
Hello Kristin, I came to see you 2 months ago and am happy to say that I’ve been been a non-smoker since the session. Thank you, Kristin!
I can’t recommend Kristin enough – very effective, very worthwhile, if you want to change she’s a real kickstarter.
Nearly 13 years later and I’m still not smoking! I have sent many people to you over the years, and many have also been able to quit, without the mood swings, the eating binges, or the white knuckle sweats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
All I have to do is listen to it and hear your voice and I can feel my stress literally lifting off of me. I’m more relaxed and calm, have found a peaceful, serene part of myself and now have a more centered, focused view on life. I cannot thank you enough, Kristin. You, without a doubt, have literally saved my life.
With Kristin’s help I lost 25 pounds without exercise and have effortlessly kept the weight off. The hypnosis was great. It took away the cravings for fast food and candy, and I was rarely hungry. Now my refrigerator is filled with vegetables, and junk food no longer tempts me.
Since my weight loss program with Kristin began last week, I’m drinking tons of water, keeping a food journal and listening to her CD. I have also worked out twice at the gym. I am calm, committed and happy.
I lost 9 pounds the first week of my program with Kristin. I was never able to diet for more than a week before, and now I have no desire for the pizza, cheese and pop that are around the house. What I love about Kristin’s program is that I don’t think about food between meals or at night. It’s the easiest thing ever. I can’t emphasize enough how simple it is. Kristin’s techniques are amazing!
Your Quit Smoking CD is a Godsend! I’ve been off cigarettes now for over six months, just by using your CD. Anytime I get a craving, which is almost never by the way, I listen to your CD and the craving goes away immediately!
Disclaimer: The testimonials on this website are from real clients, but do not guarantee personal results. Individual results will vary by person. The products and services presented on these pages are for informational use only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. New Health Visions LLC products and services are not intended to replace the professional advice or services provided by your medical doctor. Hypnosis is not intended for children under the age of 18. Please consult your licensed care provider before using New Health Visions services and products.
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