Cindy says...

Alan says...

Keith says...


With your hypnosis techniques and advice I now have no desire for pop. I now crave vegetables! I just did what you told me to do and the hypnosis made it easy. I feel wonderful. I don’t even notice the vending machine and junk food that‘s in the office every day. And my mid-afternoon slump is totally gone. I have so much energy all day long. Eating healthy is a lot of fun now. I am having fun at this!


Hi Kristin, Just wanted to give you a quick update, I haven’t smoked since our last appointment, so I’m cigarette free for 3 weeks today and I haven’t drank in 2 weeks, not even on the weekends. With all of these little changes I have lost 5 pounds without actively trying to lose any weight. Good stuff!! Thanks for your help!!


After just one session, I walked out of your office as a non-smoker. This was 12 years ago and I have not wanted a cigarette since! I know I wouldn’t be alive today if I hadn’t quit smoking with your program.


I had one session with Kristin over eight years ago to quit smoking and I have been smoke free ever since. My whole family has come to see Kristin for their issues and she’s been able to help us all. She’s great!


Hi Kristin! My wife and I and even our dog fall asleep every night listening to your End Insomnia CD! It’s great!


Kristin has written a practical, emotionally engaging, genuinely helpful guide to weight loss the does what others don’t: it gets to the root of the overeating. If you truly want this to be your last weight loss experience, you must read ‘As Thin As You Think’.


Hi Kristin! My sister and I attended your Weight Loss Class last week and are really enjoying the results. We’ve each lost 5 pounds and have no desire for sugar or diet pop. The hypnosis part of your class really made the changes easy!


Just a quick thank you for helping me quit smoking 4 years ago. One session and I haven’t smoked since. Just wanted to give you that feedback and to thank you.


I want to thank you, Kristin. This has been the hardest time of my life, and I could not have started on the road to healing without your help. You taught me so much about how to use my mind as an ally instead of the enemy.


My son, who has been in a slump since the start of baseball season, listened to your recording on sports performance before his game yesterday. They started a tournament with that game, so he’s on his third game since listening. Over the course of these three games, he has made several great (and creative!) plays, he’s gotten on base 3/4 at-bats, and has had no errors. A true turn around story. THANK YOU!!


I’ve been experiencing excruciating pain with a tooth problem. Your hypnosis mp3 is the only thing that has been providing relief. And, it is providing very much relief. What a gift to me. Thank you.


Hello Kristin, I came to see you 2 months ago and am happy to say that I’ve been been a non-smoker since the session. Thank you, Kristin!