Cindy says...

Alan says...

Keith says...


Hi Kristin, Well, nearly 13 years later and I’m still not smoking! I remember calling you one cold Saturday many years ago, asking when you could see me. I walked in at 11:30 the following Monday, we had our session and I haven’t smoked since. I have sent many people to you over the years, and many have also been able to quit, without the mood swings, the eating binges, or the white knuckle sweats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I lost 9 pounds the first week of my program with Kristin. I was never able to diet for more than a week before, and now I have no desire for the pizza, cheese and pop that are around the house. What I love about Kristin’s program is that I don’t think about food between meals or at night. It’s the easiest thing ever. I can’t emphasize enough how simple it is. Kristin’s techniques are amazing!


I listened to your Quit Smoking CD once, when I went to bed at night, and I haven’t had any cravings!!! Thank you so much Kristin.


Hi Kristin! I just wanted to call you to say thank you for all you’ve done. I am just ecstatic and so happy. Thank you again for everything…for taking the time to listen and for helping me. I don’t think I could ever say thank you enough. Thank you again and again!


My experience with Kristin has been nothing but positive. Her combination of counseling and hypnosis has made losing a lifetime of poor eating habits and excess weight very easy. The weight is melting off me! The program is about switching bad lifestyle habits for healthy ones, and it is not difficult. I don’t know why I waited so long to do this.


I’ve been experiencing excruciating pain with a tooth problem. Your hypnosis mp3 is the only thing that has been providing relief. And, it is providing very much relief. What a gift to me. Thank you.


Kristin, It’s been 4 years since my husband and I quit smoking with one session and I want to thank you so much. We are healthier and wealthier because of you.


Kristin, It’s been 4 years and my wife and I are both still not smoking, thanks to you.


Kristin, In just 2 weeks after my session with you I lost 15 pounds! Also, my blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels dropped significantly! The best part is that it was easy!


Just a quick thank you for helping me quit smoking 4 years ago. One session and I haven’t smoked since. Just wanted to give you that feedback and to thank you.


With Kristin’s techniques and advice, I now have no desire for soda pop. I now crave vegetables! I just did what she told me to do, and the hypnosis made it easy. I feel wonderful. I don’t even notice the vending machine and junk food that’s in the office every day. And my mid-afternoon slump is totally gone. I have so much energy all day long. Eating healthy is a lot of fun now. I’m having fun at this!


Nearly 13 years later and I’m still not smoking! I have sent many people to you over the years, and many have also been able to quit, without the mood swings, the eating binges, or the white knuckle sweats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.