Cindy says...

Alan says...

Keith says...


All I have to do is listen to it and hear your voice and I can feel my stress literally lifting off of me. I’m more relaxed and calm, have found a peaceful, serene part of myself and now have a more centered, focused view on life. I cannot thank you enough, Kristin. You, without a doubt, have literally saved my life.


I was getting almost no sleep at night because of hot flashes. Now I just listen to your Stress Release CD during the day and I feel refreshed and focused. You should rename your recording the Menopause Tape!


Kristin’s As Thin As You Think Seminar gave me the focus to lose and keep off 18 pounds. The class empowered me to exchange chocolate and bread cravings with a strong desire for vegetables and other healthy food.


With Kristin’s program, I have lost a total of 86 pounds. I feel fantastic and it has been really fun shopping for my upcoming vacation!


Hi Kristin! I am down 35 pounds since I saw you at the beginning of September and the weight is still coming off with ease. My hives, fibromyalgia pain and aches are still gone and I have noticed a change in my gum health for the better. I no longer need as much caffeine and my doctor wants to see about lowering my thyroid medication dose. Again, thank you!


Hi Kristin! I just wanted to call you to say thank you for all you’ve done. I am just ecstatic and so happy. Thank you again for everything…for taking the time to listen and for helping me. I don’t think I could ever say thank you enough. Thank you again and again!


Hi Kristin, Well, nearly 13 years later and I’m still not smoking! I remember calling you one cold Saturday many years ago, asking when you could see me. I walked in at 11:30 the following Monday, we had our session and I haven’t smoked since. I have sent many people to you over the years, and many have also been able to quit, without the mood swings, the eating binges, or the white knuckle sweats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


My son, who has been in a slump since the start of baseball season, listened to your recording on sports performance before his game yesterday. They started a tournament with that game, so he’s on his third game since listening. Over the course of these three games, he has made several great (and creative!) plays, he’s gotten on base 3/4 at-bats, and has had no errors. A true turn around story. THANK YOU!!


Hi Kristin, Just wanted to give you a quick update, I haven’t smoked since our last appointment, so I’m cigarette free for 3 weeks today and I haven’t drank in 2 weeks, not even on the weekends. With all of these little changes I have lost 5 pounds without actively trying to lose any weight. Good stuff!! Thanks for your help!!

Skype Client

You have genuinely helped transform my life!!! I honestly can’t thank you enough!


I’ve been experiencing excruciating pain with a tooth problem. Your hypnosis mp3 is the only thing that has been providing relief. And, it is providing very much relief. What a gift to me. Thank you.


It will be 7 weeks tomorrow when I visited you for my session and it has been wonderful. I am down 16 pounds! Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the results.